18 March 2010

7th class made a Volcano

On Wednesday, 10th March, in the context of learning Geography, pupils of 7th class produced model of eruption ( Vulcano). First, we did frame of eruption. We used only newspaper. We have beautiful structure made of plaster which Toni provide it. When the plaster dried, we painted it in the colour of eruption. Then we have put in the mixture of vinegar, baking powder and red chalk (this triggered a reaction mixture, which was held almost as than it really is). The work was very fun. If you have a plaster, try to do it also. BE CAREFUL AT WORK, YOU CAN MAKE VERY DIRTY YOUR SURROUNDINGS !!!!!!!!!! girls of 7th Class
of Žetale school

11 March 2010


A SIMPLE EASTER PRESENT The first class children are making an Easter present for their family. They are painting recycled yoghurt pots. They are using small pieces of sponge to do it. They are wearing used supermarket plastic bags, cut out at the bottom, to protect their clothes from the paint. Pupils are putting some wet cotton wool inside the yoghurt pots and lentils on it. When the grass grows up, children will decorate it with a paper chick and an Easter greetings card.

05 March 2010


Are we fit? Four students of 8th class and 3 girls of 6th class, we studied the science of whether and how much we pupils in primary schools Žetale physically active.We know that moderate physical activity is very important to our health, improved fitness and well-being.We started with the composition of the short survey, which we wanted to know whether the students regularly, occasionally or not at all physically active outside of regular school. We were interested in the length of time to devote a week of physical activity and sport which is most active. We are interviewing 34 children between the ages of 10 to 14 years. We found that as much: - as 56% of students regularly engaged in sports, - while the remaining 44% is occasionally physically active. - Of this 35% of students devoted physical activity 1 to 2 hours per week, - 24% 2 to 3 hours per week, - 17% 3 to 4 hours per week and which - 24% is devoted to physical activity more than 4 hours per week. Among the most popular sports in which students engaged Sat biking and volleyball, followed by soccer, gymnastics and dance.


Intervju with Mayor of municipality Žetale, Mr. Anton Butolen. Where will ecological islands be placed? There will be 14 location in the whole of municipality as close to the people as possible. When will they be made? They will be made until the end of October. Who will remove the rubbish? A company called Čisto mesto (Clean City). Who will finance this? The ecological islands will be financed by the municipality; the value of this investment will be 18.000 € , of which 4.000 € were won by tender. Where have we disposed of waste until now? Until now, we have disposed of waste in a common container. Are there many illegal waste dumps? There aren't any big ones since cleaning actions are organized every year. What do you do with illegal waste dump? If the person responsible for it is found, he has to organize the clean. Do you look for the people responsible for illegal dimps? By law this is the responsibility of the owner of the land. What happens with other waste (cars, hazardous materials, bulky waste etc.)? The removal of hazardous materials and bulky waste is organized once a year. The last collection of old cars was carried out in 2004. Do citizens have any other rights? Yes, they can transport the garbage to the collection centre Ptuj and without being charged.
The mayor was interviewed by Petra Bračević
removal of kitchenoil "eco rubish island"
other rubish


On Friday, October 16th 2009, the students of 9th class visited two farms. Our assignment was to compare the two farms according to productions methods, ways of fertilization and use of fertilizers. Namely, one of the farms was bigger and it specializes in dairy farming and the other farm is self-sufficient and it represents only an additional income for the owners. The class was divided into two groups. We had prepared questions for the farm owners. Nives, Tamara, Christian and Monika interviewed the housewife of the Bele farm. We wanted to find out how they cultivate and fertilize the soil. We asked them some questions and learnt that they have got only three cows, some pigs, poultry and cats on the farm. Most of their land is cultivated by hand and some of it by machines. The Bele family doesn’t only deal with agriculture, but they have also got jobs and go to work. They keep their crops. They have got some fields, meadows and forests. They also deal with viticulture, but they don’t sell their wine; they keep it for their needs. The milk their animals produce is used for livestock feed – for their pigs. We noted that on the Kolar farm they spray their crops only with prescribed substances. On the smaller farm they use sprays that seem appropriate or needed and they don’t take the organic method of farming into consideration as much.
ORGANIK Farm - FAMILY Kolar 9th class students visited the Kolar farm in Dobrina on Friday, October 16th 2009. We were divided into two groups. Denis, Mitja, Romana, Lea and Tina were in the first group and we found out many interesting things. The farm owners are Anton and Bernardka Kolar. Three people make a living on their farm. We saw the stable in which there are two breeds of cows. They have got 27 cows, 21 of which are the Simmental breed and 6 are the Holstein breed. They have also got some pigs and chicken. They produce milk and they sell 180,000 litres of milk a year. The milk is sold to dairy cooperative Ptuj, Ljubljanske mlekarne and Pomurske mlekarne dairies. Part of their land is covered by a vineyard. Some of their wine is for sale and some they keep for themselves. Their crops are sprayed with allowed herbicides (against weed) and fungicides, which protect their crops from diseases. They also spray liquid manure and with mineral fertilizers. Corn is sprayed once with herbicides and vineyards sprayd with herbicides and fungicides. (10 to 14 days apart).Altogether the farm is 33 hectares big. Livestock is kept outside from April to November. The farm is not purely organic, but they try to make their production and raising of livestock as organic and nature-friendly as possible. They are also driven into the more organic way of farming by the subsidies granted by government and the European Union.At the end of our visit the farmers treated us to cakes and juce. Once again we wish to thank them for all the information and their hospitality.