16 January 2010

What happen to our waste?

We visited the thermal power station in Burgkirchen last week. We got a view behind the screnes of the thermal power station. We saw the oven in wich they burn residual waste. They make electrcity and heat here. Cora and Rachel; class 7/8b
Our class in the thermal power station. The thermal power station from air. The residual waste in the oven. Lukas

08 January 2010

Winter morning in Žetale

It is Friday, 8th January, with a lot of new snow. We are coming to school. Some of us with bus, some with parents by car and some of us walking. Education starting at 7.50 a.m. Going home at 1.00, 2.00 or 3.00 p.m. Enjoy watching our winter morning. Pupils and staff from Žetale

school bus

town hall in the back
schoolschool playgroud
decorated school window
school bus station
in front of school - school enter
left side of school
town hall again
view from teacher room