30 December 2009

" I have no name:
I am but two days old."
What shell I call thee?
"I happy am,
Joy is my name."
Sweet joy befall thee!
W. Blake
Sweet Joy and a Happy New Year to all friends!

Happy New Year!

Friends are like stars that, although, you can not see them, you know they are always there.
Happy New Year!

18 December 2009

Christmas and New Year wishes from 7th class

2 class Christmas arts

Winter in Žetale and 8th class

Dear friends! We got our first snowflakes this winter in Žetale. Today morning was very cold -8 degrees. BRRRR!!! 8 class enjoyed on the snow.

14 December 2009

Class 2 making vehicles for Design and Technology

Crafting for Christmas

Each week a class has been meeting people from our village for a coffee morning. Adults and children have been making special craft gifts together to make decorations for our homes. We have also shared cakes and drinks together. It was fun.

07 December 2009

North Leigh Autumn Fair

We held our first ever Autumn Fair on 21st October. There were 30 different activities for everyone to try. Some of them were: Woodlands survival, Cooking, Belly dancing, Judo, making Christmas decorations, and playing Musical instruments.
Everyone enjoyed it and it was all free because the activities were led by people from our local community. Elspeth in year 2 said, "I think the smoothie making was the most fun!"
Imogen, in year 6 said, "The Autumn Fair let people try out new things they had not done before".
Most people liked the Woodlands Survival best followed by making Christmas decorations. It was a very enjoyable Fair and we all hope to be doing it again next year.