27 May 2011

Our visit in Zetale
We, pupils from Germany, had a great visit at the school in Zetale.
On Thursday we went again to school in the afternoon. There, the pupils from Zetale played different little sketches and also showed videos, mainly about the seperation of waste.
. In one viedeo there you could see what they had done in the last schools year. The pupils from Zetale were very busy and really active in the project. My stay in Slovenia was well organized and I have enjoyed it very much. Unfortunately the Comenius project is already over.
On Thursday afternoon was a school event at the school in Zetale. We had a lot of food that we could eat. Most food was traditional Slovanian food. It was funny and the pupils had prepared something for us.
On Friday morning we went to a hill. It was an easy walk in one hour and ten minutes. All pupils weared a Healthyer-World-T-shirt. We walked on 620 meteres. It was great view. We talked to the other pupils and we talked about what we watch on TV.
On Friday we went to Vuk's homestead museum. There was a small old house. A man called Vuk lived here. In the museum there old furniture and things were also shown. It was very interesting.

24 May 2011

Sport days in Fara Sabina

Since spring time, the eldest students of Fara Sabina School (years 8,9,10) have been training in some sports, to take part in local student athletic sports games 2011.

They have been training the 60-metre sprint, long jump and launch of the vortex.

Their teachers are three experts who has beeen working in school since january; they do two hours of physicall education in a week.

On 31st of May there will be the final competition, and we hope to win some medal!

Launch of the vortex 60-metre sprint Long jump Semi-final competition day

Earth care improving in fara Sabina

On 9th of May, the five classes involved in the Comenius Project had a special prize from the Major for their care in separate waste at school.
In fact,thanks to a strong cooperation between school and municipality, recycling has been introduced in classes since september 2009, and in the whole village since may 2010. Children had a cardboard cylinder, filled with coloured pencils: everything was realized with recycled materials.
Our Headteacher, the Mayor and an expert of Bologna's University Comenius school- counselors with the prize.


On 17th march 2011, Italy celebrated 150 years since its unification.
Fara sabina school organized, on 29th April, a big celebration with students and parents in a central square of the village. Children of classes 4 and 5 were wearing t-shirts with colours of the italian flag: green, white and red, and sang some patriotic songs and lyrics; pupils from classes 1,2,3 looked at the performance waving coloured pon-pon. Children studied also the history of such important period, its main events and most famous national heroes, like Garibaldi, Mazzini and Cavour
CIAO !!!

16 May 2011

Spring term 2011 at North Leigh

Spring came early to North Leigh. Class 4 went to a local wood to look for spring flowers
We found Celandines.
Wood anemones
Snakes Head fritillary
Primroses- when we got back to school, we wrote some spring poems inspired by the flowers we had seen.
Here we are having fun at our Red Nose Day, when we dress up in fancy dress and raise money for children's charities
This is World Book Day, when we all dressed as our favourite character from a book.
Now for sport. This is the year 4 tennis team.
Here are the Year 3s enjoying Mini-Olympics.
Year 5 and 6 Netball Club
These are our 3 Netball teams.
Classes 2 and 3 are preparing some Healthy snacks.
Finally, we celebrated the British Royal Wedding with games and a healthy picnic. Here is Class 4 preparing it.
This is our party--we're about to eat!
Some classes made hats.
Everyone dressed in red, white and blue, the colours of the Union Jack.
Children pinned good luck messages on cardboard models of the happy couple.
These are just some of the activities at North Leigh School during the Spring Term!